
Our management team has a combined experience of over 65 years, and our new facility, combined with the dedication and ability of our staff, creates an environment ideal for your broodmare’s well-being.
Mares are groomed daily and checked for overall health. Mares have daily access to pasture turnout during the day, and are brought in at night to comfortable stalls under staff monitored cameras.
A limited number of spaces are available for year-round broodmare care. We work with an equine nutritionist to ensure that nutritional needs are being met during pregnancy and post foaling. With highly skilled equine reproductive veterinarians, we offer a variety of breeding options for your mare.
We offer a short-term mare care option for those clients wanting to have the breeding work done at WynOaks Farm. Once foaled, bred back and pronounced in foal 30 days and domicile requirements are met owners can then take their mare home. A longer stay may be arranged if space is available. We offer quality hay, Timothy and Alfalfa. Grain concentrates and vitamin/mineral supplements are also available, or can be supplied by the mare owner.
WynOaks Farm Broodmare management includes intensive care which begins with early cycling under lights with open mares during the long winter nights. At WynOaks Farm, we request that foaling mares arrive at least 30 days prior to foaling for observation and preparation. Mares are stalled nightly and turned out daily in small paddocks for at least 6 – 8 hours. They are fed grain twice daily and given free choice quality alfalfa hay. A full time Broodmare Manager is on hand to take care of feeding, grooming, foaling, minor medical care and good record keeping.
Successful foaling requires diligence and proper planning. We accept a limited number of mares for foaling. By keeping the mares in residence to a limited number, it ensures individual, hands on care. We specialize in offering full mare care and foaling for participation in the Pennsylvania Breeding Fund Program. WynOaks Farm features modern foaling stalls equipped with cameras monitored around the clock by experience and qualified foaling attendants. WynOaks follows a strict foaling protocol and conducts a check list including date of last vaccinations, wax monitoring, and colostrum loss, time of foaling, placental expulsion and details of the foal.
As the mare nears her foaling date, she is moved into the Foaling Barn where she will be monitored 24 hours a day. The condition of the mare is observed and noted accordingly by the foaling manager. In addition, each of the foaling stalls is covered by CCTV system that allows the attendant to watch all foaling stalls on color monitors. Each camera is equipped with infrared coverage so that monitoring can continue when a stall is dark.
At the first sign of labor, the foaling team is in the stall, assisting the mare until the foal is born, cleaned, treated, standing and nursing and able to be on its own with its mother. Continuous monitoring of the mare and foal is following until all foreseen complications have passed.
Additionally, proper ventilation is top priority; promoting a clean, comfortable environment for mare and foal. Dedicated pasture paddocks provide optimal recuperation for the mare and a stress free friendly environment for the foal. During the foaling season veterinarian services are provided daily and are on 24 hour call for possible foaling emergencies. WynOaks Farm also provides an on-site colostrum bank.
We offer foaling services for mares managed under our long-term mare care program and short term care with advanced notice. Our experienced staff attends foalings, and mares are assisted during delivery if needed. The foal’s umbilical cord is treated after foaling, and then 3 times daily with diluted Nolvasan solution. An enema is given to the foal to decrease the risk of meconium impaction. At 12 hours of age, a blood sample is taken from the foal and tested for IgG antibody level. Vet will administer plasma. Client will need to sign waiver to decline. Mares are dewormed within 24 hours of foaling to limit the foal’s risk of parasite infection. Foals are handled daily from birth. Haltering, leading, grooming and allowing feet to be picked up are skills the foal will learn during its first few days of life. Mares and foals are kept in for 5 days after birth and monitored. If all is good after 5 days, mare and foal will be turned out in individual grass pastures during the day and brought back to their stall for the night. Mares and foals will then go out in groups based on compatibility. After the heat of the summer months pass and the fall weather improves they will enjoy 24/7 turnout in our large grass pastures with sheds as weanlings.
Dedicated to providing the highest quality care possible for your pregnant mare.
During foaling season mares are booked on a first come, first serve basis and on our ability to schedule them into the foaling calendar. For this reason we recommend booking as early as possible.
In most cases, pregnant mares should arrive on the farm a minimum of 30-45 days prior to foaling so the mare can form important anti-bodies prior to delivery. Generally, mares stay at the farm for 10-14 days following the birth of their foals and then are shipped out for breeding or return to their home farms. Permanent year-around board for your mare and foal is also available.
WynOaks Farm offers the following services and amenities:
- 55 stalls
- all necessary paperwork
- turnout
- large, clean stalls with outside screened doors
- careful attention to changes in nutritional needs
- daily grooming & handling
- 12 x 24 foaling stalls
- straw bedding
- 24 hr. monitoring w/ in-stall cameras
- experienced foaling attendants
- routine newborn care (including plasma transfusions)
- critical care of newborns with special needs
- on-call emergency veterinary service as needed
- newborn foal pictures
- pasture or paddock turnout for mares & newborns
- offsite in-state breeding and vanning services arranged with offsite breeding facilities
- arrange out-of-state shipping
Our entire barn is completely stripped, power-washed and disinfected prior to each foaling season and stalls are disinfected each time a new mare is brought in for foaling. Every precaution is taken to insure a clean, dry, safe and healthy environment for the birth of each foal.
The foal is placed in front of the mare and the imprinting starts. The mare immediately starts to love and bond with the foal. The staff rubs down the foal with clean towels; warming them up and promoting good circulation. Staff stays with the mare and foal, helping the foal to stand and encouraging them to nurse. The foal is handled throughout this process.
In the days and weeks to follow, the foal is introduced to the halter and lead rope regularly. The mare and foal lead in and out daily to an individual paddock until of age when they are turned out with other mares and foals of similar age and size.
WynOaks Farm provides boarding for broodmares, foals, weanling, yearling, sales oriented and racing layup for clients. All horses are cared for by our professional staff and given the highest quality of care specific to the need. Please contact us if you are interested in boarding with us.
WynOaks Farm offers Pennsylvania a new state-of-the-art facility, including a 28 stall Broodmare Foaling Barn equipped with 24 hour monitored camera system, extra large foaling stalls, multiple large (32’X64’) run-in sheds, and both large and small pastures and individual paddocks and round pens to fit any and all needs of care. The modern facilities and safe paddocks and pastures of WynOaks Farm are ideal in the operation of our successful thoroughbred nursery specializing in raising racehorses.
Careful consideration has been given to the lay out and construction of the entire facility optimizing not only the farm’s natural beauty, but also to give consideration to the safety and well-being of the horses. Additionally we consult with local experts to help us effectively manage the land and to determine the composition of the soil and native grasses in order to optimize the nutritional value of the pastures.
* We have limited openings for this service, but will take outside horses if space is available
Weanlings are divided into compatible groups and allowed to grow up in a herd pasture environment with safe fencing. Still coming into barn stalls regularly out of the strong sunshine or inclement weather. Turnout is equipped with large run-in sheds bedded with straw. They continue to receive routine health care and farrier work. This living arrangement is continued through the yearling and two-year-old years. In the summer of their yearling-year sales prep begins and as two-year olds training can begins with light groundwork and starting under saddle.
WynOaks Farm barns are of new construction. All are center aisle design with sliding doors at each end providing excellent cross ventilation.
Front and rear stall doors and fans in each stall provides maximum ventilation for all horses. All stalls are designed with the highest level of safety and health for your horse.
Fences are built of oak; four-board and solid treated post construction. Corners are rounded for safety. All pasture gates on the farm are kept chain locked for additional safety.
The run-in sheds located in the pastures are 32′ x 64′ concrete block construction; cool in the summer and warm in winter months. The run-in sheds are bedded with straw and are stocked with free choice hayracks and salt.
Finally, there are large, grassy “turn-out” pastures for mares and their foals, mares in foal, weanlings, yearlings, horses on a slow mend. We offer large turnout paddocks, each equipped with automatic watering systems, smaller group paddocks, single horse paddocks and multiple round pens.
Yearly samples taken from the fields are tested in order to maintain balanced levels of vitamins and minerals. Nutritional consultants are utilized year round to promote healthy, balanced, individualized feed programs for every horse.
Pastures are of bluegrass, timothy, clover. The pastures are mowed, fertilized and limed on a regular schedule.
At WynOaks Farm, we inspect every horse several times daily. Any issue–whether it’s nutrition, breeding, shoeing, disease prevention, or just the emotional well-being of the animal—receives the immediate attention of our managers and staff.
A negative Coggins Test for Equine Infectious Anemia, EIA within twelve months is required before arrival.
An Equine Dentist checks the horses at least once a year for long term residents. WynOaks Farm will schedule dental services for our clients upon request for short term residents.
Mares are wormed every eight weeks. Foals are wormed monthly. Upon arrival all horses are wormed and are not turned out on pastures or paddocks until forty-eight hours after worming.
Daily medications that the farm owner can administer will be given at no charge.
Owners are responsible for the cost of medications and veterinary services.
Trimming is scheduled every six to eight weeks or as necessary.
Vaccinations required before arrival and boostered yearly or every 6 months as necessary include:
· EEE/WEE; · Potomac Horse Fever, PHF; · Rhino/Flu; · Tetanus; · Rabies · West Nile · Botulism if requested by owner. |
We will have vet administer plasma to each new foal.
Quality veterinary service is always available, including surgical facilities within minutes of the farm provided by New Bolton Center School of Veterinary Medicine.
All boarded thoroughbreds are placed on our veterinary maintenance plan that ensures routine medical needs – shots, worming, tooth care – are all automatically scheduled and addressed.